Jeremy Northam Webring Homepage

Join the Ring!
It only requires a personal web page on Jeremy Northam and filling out a simple form. The benefits are increased traffic and a sense of community. The form to submit your site for addition to the ring is below.

Once your site has been processed, you'll receive an email to that effect. You can then insert the Webring HTML Code found below onto your webpage. You must put this code on the same page as the page you submit. This need not be your site's main page, but it does have to be the same as your submitted page. Otherwise, you will eventually be bumped out of the ring by the automatic crawler.


  Submit your site!

  Webring HTML Code to Add to Your Site

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Submit Site to Jeremy Northam Webring
Site Title:
Site URL:

Please choose a password. (Don't forget it!!)
Keywords: Enter up to 20 keywords to describe your site.
Description: Enter a short description of your site.

Webring HTML Code

Copy the code in the following text box onto the page you submitted in your webring application. You must replace YOURIDNUMBER with the number assigned to you and sent in the acceptance e-mail. You must also replace YOUREMAILADDRESS, YOURNAME, and PICTUREOFYOURCHOICE where stated. It's up to you what picture of Mr. Northam to use, or take the image source reference out completely.


Example of Webring HTML Code

This Jeremy Northam Webring site owned by Kathe.
Add your site to the ring!
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